

basic personal information

name: xxx nationality: china

personal photos

current location: guangzhou national: han

exit and entry: hubei tall: 165 cm  52 kg

marital status: single age: 29-year-old

job search intention and work experience

personnel types: ordinary job 

position: trade categories: foreign trade foreign language translation category administrative / personnel assistant English class

work experience: 5 title: no title

job type: full-time can be reported for duty - at any time

monthly requirements: XX - 3500 hope that the working area: guangzhou, dongguan, foshan

personal experience: eastern logistics co., ltd. dalian XX.10-XX.8 engaged in customer service in charge of

customer service department is responsible for day-to-day with the work of other departments convergence report to the manager the day of receipt of goods and customer feedback.

dalian future English school XX.6-XX.9 children assistant English teachers

to assist teachers to complete interaction between children's English language teaching.

1999.4-XX.7 dalian long xin electronic technology co., ltd. to sell the company's products and sales quotas.

educational background

graduate institutions: guangdong university of foreign studies school of continuing education

highest level of education: graduate - XX-01-01

studies by one: the science of business English ii:

by education and training experience: XX.9-XX.1 studying at guangdong university of foreign studies school of continuing education (in school during the four English professional certificates and intermediate business English certificate) business English

XX.9-XX.6 studying in dalian institute of foreign languages school of continuing education in English

university during the repair business English courses:

international trade practices, business English translation of letters and telegrams of foreign trade, foreign trade and economic knowledge to choose from, advanced English, business English listening and speaking, anglo-american overview and so on.

language ability

foreign language: English proficiency

mandarin level: the level of proficiency in cantonese: general

the ability to work and other expertise

1, fluent in English listening, speaking, reading and writing. can be a little difficult to write and translate the letters and articles;

2, a solid theoretical knowledge of foreign trade, familiar with the operation of relevant business practices;

3, able to master word, excel, powerpoint and other office software.


the work of learning to walk all the way, i acquired a strong sense of responsibility hardworking, forward-working attitude and is ready to communicate with people, willing to accept the work of a certain pressure.





basic information

name: fresh graduates

sex: male

date of birth: 84.12 national: han

id: xxx height: 170

account where: xx current: xx

graduate institutions: xx college of engineering, the political landscape: members

highest level of education: undergraduate repair by a professional: mold design

talent type: graduated from the date of the ordinary job: XX.7

job intentions

job type: full-time

position: mold design

hope location:

wish to pay: negotiable


strong self-learning ability and practical ability, the work of a conscientious and responsible, and they are adhering to the spirit of innovation and in the end, have a good affinity

educational background

XX.9-XX.7xx die design engineering college undergraduate

practice experience

XX.3 a three-week school-run factory in the metalworking practice

school e-laboratories XX.11 electronic practice

XX.11xx motor group, xx iron and steel group, xxxx internship weapons factories

received awards

last semester in XX was named erudite系刊founder group good team

party in XX as class elitist

march XX national intermediate certificate cartographer in XX by the higher national certificate cartographer

in september XX by the national computer 2 (c) certificate

XX-XX scholarship by the college of third-class third-class XX-XX scholarship by the college

language ability

English good

computer capacity

march XX national occupational skills standard intermediate cartographer in march XX national occupational skills standards of senior cartographer

september XX the national computer 2 (c) proficiency in the use of office software, autocad, pro / e, slidworks, ug, caxa caxa, mastercam, and so on.


contact tel: confidentiality

contact address: confidentiality (zip code:)

e-mail: xxx



name:jack lee gender:male

age : 21 state of health:fine

native place:shandong province hukou:harbin

years of work exp.:under 1 year

education level:bachelor

major: polymer material and engineering

mobile no.:15999999999


college: northeast forestry university (nefu)

address:xx # ,no.xxx of xxx road, xxx

career objectives

work type: full time

desired industry:raw materials processing , oils / chemicals/ mines, machinery/ equipment / heavy industries , aerospace/ aviation/airlines , enterprise/group

desired occupation:chemical technical application , research specialist staff , project engineer ,product development , laboratory technician, etc.



northeast forestry university polymer material and engineering bachelor

main courses

inorganic chemistry, organic chemistry, analytic chemistry, physical chemistry, cad, machinical drawing, principles of chemical engineering, engineering mechanics, polymer chemistry, polymer physics, polymer experimental technique, modern testing technique of polymer, polymer processing technique, inflaming retarding of polymer materials, composite materials, adhesive and coating, polymer monography, polymer addition agent, specialized English, etc.


English level: have a good command of both spoken and written English.

CET-6 (440)

computer ability

the common office soft wares, chem sk cad, photoshop, frontpage, etc.

additional information (hobbies)

football, basketball, music, travel, swim, reading, internet, film, game, sport,

car, shopping, fashion, health, writing, etc.

dear manager,

i am a student graduated from northeast forestry university (nefu). this is not a very famous university, but i have been making great efforts for enriching and perfecting myself all the time. i acknowledge that i'm not so mature, but i believe that the best capital of youngsters are vigors and passions for the coming career. and, i was born in yimeng mountain area of shandong province. the living conditions made me laborious as my parents. when i was very young, i began to know that only hard-working could bring a person a good life.

i eagerly want to get a suitable position in your company. and i hope you could give me an opportunity of interview so that i could make you know more about me.





姓 名:


出 生:1991-06-24


性 别:男

民 族:汉

学 位:本科


专 业:英语














2011-2012 优秀学生会干部

2012/07 师生合唱比赛一等奖







姓 名:










大学英语四/六级(CET-4/6) 良好的听说读写能力


国家计算机三级 (数据库技术)



普通话等级证书一级甲 读写能力精通 优秀的听说能力






20xx.9~20xx.7 xx大学 xx学院 英语专业 xx学士

学分绩点(GPA) x.x (满分x分), 院系/班级排名 第x



20xx年 获得省级三好学生

20xx年 辩论赛一等奖

20xx年 英文演讲比赛三等奖

20xx年 荣获学生团干部


20xx年 x 月20xx年 x月 xx有限公司翻译 行政处理


20xx年 x 月20xx年 x月 xx外国语学校 教师







民族:汉 目前所在地: 广州番禺

年龄:21 户口所在地: 广州番禺



应聘职位:  行政|后勤、 文职类、

人才类型:  全职 职称:

工作年限:  0 可到职日期:  随时

求职类型:  全职 希望工作地区:  广东江门 广东中山

个人工作经历: 江门安踏专卖店

XX年7月 - XX年8月





XX年 - XX年





2011年7月 - 2011年8月





毕业院校:  广东技术职业学院

最高学历:  大专 毕业日期:  2011年6月

所学专业一: 外语  所学专业二: 计算机

受教育培训经历: XX年9月至2011年6月 广东技术职业学院 商务英语 cet-6,全国计算机二级,商业协会高级物流管理员证书


外语:英语 外语水平:英语六级

国语水平:精通 粤语水平:  精通







姓 名:xxx 性 别:女

出生日期:1984-9 婚姻状况:未婚

国 籍:中国 民 族:汉族

身 高:158cm 政治面貌:团员

教育程度:本科 毕业时间:XX年7月

户 籍:湖南株洲





学校名称:湘南学院 ( XX年9月 - XX年0月 )

专业名称:英语 学历: 本科

所 在 地:湖南郴州 证书: 专业八级

专业描述:综合英语,高级英语,英语口语,英语听力,英语阅读,英语写作,英语语法,英语翻译理论与实践,英美文学选读,英语国家概况,英语语言概况,教育学,外贸英语, 外贸英语函电, 经贸英语阅读,国际贸易与实务,国际商法,海关实务,市场营销,心理学


公司名称:临武二中 ( XX年10月 - XX年12月 )




语种名称 掌握程度

英语 熟练


职业技能: 熟练掌握英语的听说读写技能,并能熟练的互译中英文;能熟练操作word,excel等办公软件。






姓名: - 国籍: 中国

目前所在地: 广州 民族: 汉族

户口所在地: 广州 身材: 172 cm 50 kg

婚姻状况: 未婚 年龄: 27 岁





人才类型: 普通求职

应聘职位: 贸易类:国际商务/进出口/助理   外语类 英语翻译/教师   经营/管理类 助理/银行

工作年限: 2 职称: null

求职类型: 全职 可到职- 随时

月薪要求: 2000--3500 希望工作地区: 广州

个人工作经历: 20**.4-20**.5 青年志愿者

20**.9-20**.2 湘南学院大一年级临时班主任

20**.3-20**.8 兼职老师/家教

20**.8-20**.9 广交会翻译 外贸跟单

20**.1-20**.12 广州番禺区**室内装潢公司 翻译接待


毕业院校: 湘南学院

最高学历: 本科 毕业- 20**-06-01

所学专业一: 英语 所学专业二: 金融学

受教育培训经历: 20**.9-20**.6 湘南学院 英语专业 英语语言文学学士学位证书

20**.9-20**.12 湖南大学 选修金融学专业所有课程


外语: 英语 优秀

国语水平: 精通 粤语水平: 一般


计算机能力:一级;计算机水平: 能熟练操作DOS、Windows2000系统、熟练运用Word Excel、Photoshop、PowerPoint.在担任大一年级班主任期间,能够很好管理班内的日常工作,与同学们相处融洽。能够对一些学生进行深层次的交流。让同学们在学习生活之中,尽快的适应不同的学习生活环境。







姓名:xxx 国籍: 中国

目前所在地: 广州 民族: 汉族

户口所在地: 湖北 身材: 165 cm 52 kg

婚姻状况: 未婚 年龄: 29 岁


人才类型: 普通求职 

应聘职位: 贸易类:外贸   外语类 翻译   行政/人事类 英语助理

工作年限: 5 职称: 无职称

求职类型: 全职 可到职- 随时

月薪要求: XX--3500 希望工作地区: 广州 东莞 佛山

个人工作经历: XX.10-XX.8 大连东方物流有限公司 从事客服主管


XX.6-XX.9 大连未来英语学校 少儿英语外教助理


1999.4-XX.7 大连龙鑫电子技术有限公司 推销公司产品并完成销售定额。


毕业院校: 广东外语外贸大学继续教育学院

最高学历: 本科 毕业- XX-01-01

所学专业一: 商务英语 所学专业二:

受教育培训经历: XX.9-XX.1 就读于广东外语外贸大学继续教育学院(在校期间获得英语专业四级证书及剑桥商务英语中级证书) 商务英语

XX.9-XX.6 就读于大连外国语学院继续教育学院 英语




外语: 英语 精通

国语水平: 精通 粤语水平: 一般







English resume: bjective

foreigh trade staff; translator; English asistant



basic cv

name: xxx nationality: china

current location: guangzhou national: han

exit and entry: guangzhou tall: 170 cm  60 kg

marital status: single age: 25 years old

training certification: integrity badge:

job search intention and work experience

personnel types: ordinary job 

position: finance categories: accounting, auditing, financial management

work experience: 1 title: junior

job type: full-time can be reported for duty - at any time

monthly requirements: XX - 3500 hope that the working area: guangzhou, shenzhen

personal experience: XX.3-XX.6 accounting firm (internship)

XX.7-XX logistics enterprises (accounting)

educational background

graduate institutions: jiangxi university of finance and economics

highest level of education: graduate - XX-07-01

studies by one: the specialization of certified public accountants professional ii:

by education and training experience: XX-XX, jiangxi university of finance and economics school of accountancy

second prize for school athletic meets propaganda XX-XX

XX-XX accounting institute ufida training certificate

XX-XX, the best students, second-class scholarship

language ability

foreign languages: English well

mandarin level: the level of good cantonese: general

the ability to work and other expertise

1. proficiency ufida, kingdee and other financial office software.

2. proficiency in dos, windows systems, office office software.

3. with strong English skills in reading and English reading ability of accounting.

detailed personal autobiography

monthly requirements: more than 2,000

hope that the working area: guangzhou, nanjing and other regions can also be.

personal contact



gao tailu

p. o. box 211, x x university

6824 x x road, shanghai XX31

job objective

seeking a position as an architectural designer for office building in a small-to-middle a sized architectural firm


b. s. in architecture, june XX

x x university, shanghai

completed four-year course of architectural design

coursework included urban design, architectural included urban design, architectural planning, structural engineering, interior decoration, office facilities management, computer-aided, architectural design

special skills

★ familarity with ms word, ms excel, autocad, adobe photoshop

☆ knowledge of building codes and standards

★ ability to work independently

☆ proficient in English, toefl 632, january XX

summer work

worked at construction projects of x x company for past three summers

other interests

sketching, painting, photography, develop films in dark room on request


name: xxx sex: male

date of birth: 1984-9-7 marital status: unmarried

nationality: chinese folk: han

height: 172cm political landscape: members

education: graduated from college time: july XX

residence: place of residence is in fuzhou, fujian: fujian fuzhou

resume network

no photos

occupational overview / job interest

are engaged in industries: computer hardware network equipment is now engaged in occupation: trade

level positions are: the initial positions (two years work experience) work experience: 1 years

current salary: a monthly salary of 1400 yuan of overseas work experience: no

expectations of the nature of work: full-time look forward to working areas: fujian, fuzhou, fujian, xiamen, fujian sanming, fujian, putian, fujian zhangzhou

expect to engage in the industry: internet e-commerce

wholesale and retail

manufacturing process (plastic glass-ceramic metal building materials ...)

expect to engage in occupation: trade

sales representative


channel / distribution commissioner

logistics commissioner / assistant

salary expectations: a monthly salary of 1500 yuan到岗time: 1 week

self-evaluation / career goals

self-evaluation: a friendly and adaptable, to learn and accept new things fast

self-motivated, able to bear hardships and stand hard

educational background

school name: fujian college of engineering (september XX - XX 7 months)

professional name: e-commerce education: tertiary

location: fuzhou, fujian province, the certificate:

professional description: introduction to e-commerce, internet software applications and development

principles of e-commerce website design, e-commerce in English and modern logistics

international financial, marketing, international financial

work experience

company name: fujian in the crown of new computer systems engineering co., ltd. (january XX - XX年10月)

industry: company network equipment, computer hardware in nature: the private sector. private enterprises

size: 200 ~ 500 people work:

job title: sales

job description: product promotion, sales, carry out, the implementation of client development, management, and a variety of end-user feedback of the main store for large home appliances (gome, suning) the management of sales staff

leaving reasons: you want a better development platform

language ability

grasp the extent of language name

English general

vocational skills

vocational skills:

training experience

it skills

skills to master the use of the name of the degree of

visual basic 3-month general

visual fox pro 12 months skilled

project experience

received a certificate

name of access time performance skills

national computer rank 2 june XX

additional information

hobbies: basketball, hiking, running



目前所在: 韶关 年龄: 20

户口所在: 广州 国籍: 中国

婚姻状况: 未婚 民族: 汉族

培训认证: 未参加 身高: 164 cm

诚信徽章: 未申请 体重:


应聘职位: 行政/后勤:,酒店/旅游:

工作年限: 0 职称: 无职称

求职类型: 实习 可到职日期: 三个月以后

月薪要求: 1000--1500 希望工作地区: 不限,,

广东松山职业技术学院外语系青年志愿者协会 起止年月:2010-12 ~ 2011-12

担任职位: 副会长


广东松山职业技术学院外语系青年志愿者协会 起止年月:2009-09 ~ 2010-12

担任职位: 网络信息部助理

工作描述: 负责活动照相、协会成员工作卡的制作、更新协会网站信息


毕业院校: 广东松山职业技术学院

最高学历: 大专获得学位: 毕业日期: 2012-06

专 业 一: 旅游英语 专 业 二:

起始年月 终止年月 学校(机构) 所学专业 获得证书 证书编号


外语: 英语 一般 粤语水平: 优秀


国语水平: 良好



其他专长:比较熟练掌握 WORD\EXCEL





姓名: - 国籍: 中国

目前所在地: 广州 民族: 汉族

户口所在地: 广州 身材: 172 cm 50 kg

婚姻状况: 未婚 年龄: 27 岁





人才类型: 应届毕业生

应聘职位: 外贸跟单:跟单   酒店/旅游后勤类 计调,订票操作员   文秘/文员 行政助理

工作年限: 0 职称: 无职称

求职类型: 全职 可到职- 随时

月薪要求: 面议 希望工作地区: 广州


毕业院校: 广东农工商职业技术学院

最高学历: 大专 毕业- 20**-07-01

所学专业一: 旅游英语 所学专业二: 国际贸易

受教育培训经历: 教 育 经 历

20**/09--20**/07 广东农工商职业技术学院 旅游英语 大专


培 训 经 历

20**/09--20**/09 广州意尚广告有限公司 实习生 实习证书


20**/04--20**/05 江湾大酒店 酒店服务与管理 台班 实习证书


证 书

20**/05 导游人员资格证书 20**/04 实习证书


外语: 英语 良好

国语水平: 良好 粤语水平: 精通









20**/09--20**/07 广东农工商职业技术学院 旅游英语 大专


个性签名: 吉普赛人如是说,时间是用来流浪的,身躯是用来相爱的,生命是用来遗忘的,而灵魂,是用来歌唱的。我说,人来到世界上是为了寻找幸福的,所以我正在学习善待自己,还有善待他人。



April 13,2000P.O. Box 36BIIT UniversityBeijing,China 100000Dear Sir/Madam:Are you searching for a telecommunications manager with expertise in project management and team leadership?I specialize in creating and implementing high-performance strategies that directly impact growth and profitability of large telecommunications companies. In addition to my knowledge of business processes, I also offer proficiency in telecom software development and cutting-edge technologies.I am relocating to Shenzhen and would be interested in opportunities with your firm. Currently, I serve as manager for BIT Companys Information Industry Division. Briefly, some of my accomplishments include:Developed a tool to track and forecast price,quantity,and revenue, which enables client to monitor business performanceImplemented a customized end-to-end testing process and SQL databaseMy business acumen, technical expertise, and leadership capabilities have contributed to a number of successful projects. The enclosed resume outlines my credentials and accomplishments in greater detail. I would welcome an opportunity to meet with you for a personal interview.Sincerely,Gu Bin



basic personal information name: mr. zhang sex: male

national: han current location: zhongshan shiqi

age: 25, the exit and entry: zhengzhou, henan province

marital status: unmarried

job search intention and work experience

position: graphic design, product packaging design, art | graphic design

talent type: full-time title:

work experience: 1 can be arrived date: any time

job type: full-time wish to work in the region: xiaolan town, zhongshan, shenzhen, guangdong, guangzhou, guangdong

personal work experience: XX 2 months - in march XX in ningbo industrial design internship success

august XX - so far in the lung into the group of taiwan to engage in car color and graphic design work

educational background

graduate institutions: the tianjin university of science and technology

highest level of education: undergraduate graduation date: 08.06.31

studies by one: industrial arts science category ii:

by education and training experience:

i won the last semester in the freshman class school scholarships

language ability

foreign language: English language: general

mandarin level: the level of general cantonese: poor

the ability to work and other expertise

professional competence:

1, with a certain degree of hand-painted and three-dimensional modeling capabilities alias works see personal homepage

2, familiar with the software photoshop, illustrator, dreamweaver, flash, and alias! individuals have the intention to engage in product design, graphic design and web design work


to tell you that i visit ~


name: miss huang

sex: female

date of birth: 1987-09-19

national: han

height: 160

weight: 50

place of origin: chongqing municipality

current location: chongqing municipality

education: vocational

political landscape: members

graduate institutions: nursing schools in chongqing

graduation time: XX 6

studies by category: pharmaceutical

professional name: nursing

contact tel:

educational background / training experience

in june XX he graduated from high school in september XX to enter nursing school in chongqing linking the college to study nursing.

from january XX to july XX in chongqing municipality in the west of the hospital internship, is now graduating from college in reading secondary.

attachment period, with the head nurse, under the guidance of teachers work, is mainly responsible for the basis of patient care, doctors and nurses to assist the rescue, according to doctor's orders to complete the patient's infusion, guide the patient the correct medication, mental health care and education, such as hospital care.

since november XX west hospital in chongqing bishan work obstetrics.

professional and specialty:

foreign language: English language: general

computer capability: general putonghua: standard

presentation and other professional expertise

i was in chongqing graduates 08 nursing schools in the teacher's strict requirements and the efforts of individuals, after 2 years of study and professional courses and clinical practice for more than a year, has a more solid foundation of professional knowledge and clinical experience, the overall quality has greatly improved. stringent, having peace of mind, hard working attitude, be self-reliant, self-confidence, self-esteem, self-improvement, too, intellectual, physical, the united states, the comprehensive development of workers, and consciously participate in the school or hospital organizations, in activities as a show host, and good humor , the exchange of good communication, all aspects of good performance, the ability to work more on the work of a conscientious and responsible, the cause of loving care in nursing reflect the value of your life.

personal practice, work experience

from january XX to july XX in chongqing municipality in the west of the hospital during the practicum period, the integrated use of the hands of the basic theory and clinical expertise to internal and external, gynecology, pediatric care subjects patients with acute, weight, risk patients, the initial emergency treatment capacity. strict adherence to aseptic principles, do a good job in three-eight pairs of investigation, the work has a strong ability to work independently to meet the development needs of the overall care.

since november XX west hospital in chongqing bishan medical help to do obstetrics, gynecology has been the basic grasp of common prescription drugs and treatment methods (such as gynecological inflammation, etc.).

job intentions

job type: full-time monthly salary requirements: negotiable



basic cv

name: xxx nationality: china

current location: guangzhou nation: null

exit and entry: guangzhou tall: 170 cm  65 kg

marital status: single age: 24 years old

training certification: integrity badge:

job search intention and work experience

personnel types: ordinary job 

position: industrial / factory categories: computer software engineer business / management

work experience: 1 title: null

job type: full-time can be reported for duty - at any time

monthly requirements: 1500 - XX hope that the working area: guangzhou, dongguan, guangdong province

personal experience: XX.10 hedy computer study tour

shaoguan city XX.7-8 computer technical support

XX.10 center of guangdong province to learn linix

XX.4-7 intentia java mobile communications training institute

kai yat XX.7-9 guangzhou building material co., ltd website maintenance administrative assistant

zarlink XX.9-12 technology co., ltd. guangdong programmers

educational background

graduate institutions: the guangzhou college of navigation

highest level of education: college graduates - XX-07-01

studies by one: the science of software engineering ii:

by education and training experience: XX.9-XX.7 guangzhou college of navigation software engineering

intentia XX.4-XX.6 college training java mobile

language ability

foreign languages: English well

mandarin level: the level of fine cantonese: general

the ability to work and other expertise

school for three consecutive years by the third-class scholarship. honored to join the communist party of china.

on behalf of schools to participate in university students in XX in guangdong province and guangdong province, swimming the seventh university games was the third and sixth.

swimming in school serve as president of the association.

java mvc model with the preparation of asset management systems, poker games and tetris game, with c the preparation of student achievement management system have been used to prepare the library management system for sql, and asp have been prepared bbs.

master the c language, java, servlet, jsp, javascript, j2ee (mvc), are familiar with eclipse, jbuilder development tools, etc.

understanding of asp, xml, linix. familiar with the sql serverXX database.

to master basic personal computer hardware knowledge to solve common hardware problems, computer-skilled maintenance.

detailed personal autobiography

i have three years of college in the software learning process, study hard, for three consecutive years by the third-class scholarship school. like reading books, wide range of knowledge, of things have a strong cognitive abilities, there are certain cells and appreciation of art.

in thinking, i have always been striving for the sublimation of personality, pay attention to their own conduct, strict demands on themselves, have a strong sense of collectivism and team spirit, after efforts to have the honor to join the communist party of china.

in sports, on behalf of schools to participate in the seventh college students in guangdong province and guangdong province swimming seventh university games, won the third and sixth place. swimming in the long and arduous training, had acquired in good health and fortitude of character and unwillingness to admit defeat toughness.
