

个人求职简历的英语范文 篇1

,现在你所看到的只是一编范文,对于简历写作技巧与简历制作技巧要怎样做呢,大家可阅读本站的简历制作技巧学习。为了能让各位求职者了解更多的相关性简历写作还相关提供一这份网络营销应届生个人简历模板,只作为参考简历写作方法。 姓 名: 大学生个人简历网 年 龄: 22 户口所在: 阳江 国 籍: 中国 婚姻状况: 未婚 民 族: 汉族 身 高: 170 cm 求职意向 人才类型: 普通求职 应聘职位: 商务/电子商务 求职类型: 实习 可到职日期: 随时 月薪要求: 2500~2999元 希望工作地区: 广州,, 工作经历 广州富力盈丰资产管理有限公司 起止年月:2016-07 ~ 2016-10 公司性质: 私营企业 所属行业: 担任职位: 网络营销兼投资顾问 工作描述: 通过电话,微信、脉脉等软件开发客户,与客户进行有效的沟通,介绍公司的产品,并促进交易的完成; 维护老客户,为客户提供相应的理财信息,和老客户建立更加稳定可靠的感情; 整理分析相关的`金融数据资料,总结出有效交流的切合点,提高工作效率。 毕业院校: 吉林大学珠海学院 最高学历: 本科 获得学位: 毕业日期: 2016-07 专 业 一: 电子商务 起始年月 终止年月 学校(机构) 所学专业 获得证书 证书编号 2012-09 2016-07 吉林大学珠海学院 电子商务   语言能力 外语: 英语 良好 粤语水平: 一般 其它外语能力:(本文由大学生个人简历网小篇为大家收集) 国语水平: 一般 工作能力及其他专长 大学英语四级(CET4),擅长阅读和写作 计算机:   获得全国计算机等级考试二级证书,熟练掌握 Photoshop、Fireworks、Dreamweaver、等常用设计软件, 熟悉网络推广工具,精通Office办公软件 驾驶证(C1) 个人自传 拥有良好的色彩感觉、创意思维、较强的沟通、协调、理解能力 热衷电子商务行业,具有良好的抗压能力,立志于在此行业发展,打造出自己的一番事业。 善于有条不紊地合理安排各项工作以及与客户有效交流

个人求职简历的英语范文 篇2

20XX-XX ~ 20XX-XX XX职业技术学院 会计 大专











10.控制每月申报抵扣进项税的金额以及相对应出口退税金额, 依据相关增值税抵扣法律法规,在政策允许范围内,最大限度申报抵扣进项税,合理筹划纳税及出口退税。

















1、能独立处理三资企业全盘帐(熟练操作免抵退、电子申报、个人所得税申报、金碟软件、电子口岸、出口收汇核销网 上报审系统、易税门户、久其软件、防伪税控开票系统)。











个人求职简历的英语范文 篇3



个人求职简历的英语范文 篇4


English Name: ###

Gender: Female

Date of Birth: January 17th, 1991

Major: English ( about business )

Address: Room 513 Building C7

Telephone: 18#####

Email: 1111111111

Job Objective:

A Position referring English translation, import and export, secretary

Educational background:

2009 to 2013, Jiangsu University of Science and Technology

2006 to 2009,No.1 Middle School of Biyang

Honors and Certificates:

In the year of 2009, won "The Third Prize of English Contest "of our college

In the summer of 2010, won the "Advanced individual "of summer social practice In the year of 2011, won the "Third Level Scholarship"of our school

Certificate of Written and Oral of TEM4

Certificate of CET6 and CET4

Social Activities:

In the period 2009 - 2010, as a Deputy Minister of Quality Development Association , organizing several activities of the quality of development in ordre to let students understand the importance of teamwork in physical exercise.

In the period 2009 - 2010, participating in the campus culture section of the speech contest.

During the summer of 2011, having a part time job in a production and packaging of the private company, fully aware of the basic production and packaging procedures, and proficiency in operating .

During the four years constantly serving as a tutor, not only improving the students' English scores but also enhancing my English basic skills.


Taking a serious and responsible attitude to work, diligent, steadfast, having a strong learning ability.

Highly skilled in translating materials in many fields such as trade, culture, tourism, science and technology, political and diplomatic.

Capable of performing the interpretation of the general formal meeting or business negotiations.

Skilled using of Office software (Word, Excel, Power Point, etc.)

个人求职简历的英语范文 篇5




电 话:(手机)



公 司:xx有限公司

行 业:教育/培训/院校

职 位:中学英语


学 历:本科

专 业:对外汉语

学 校:华东师范大学











XX/2 — XX/6:xx有限公司[4个月]

所属行业: 教育/培训/院校

成人英语 中学英语

1. 教授并辅导成人、高中生、初中生、小学生及幼儿英语,教法灵活;

2. 独立制订教学计划和进度;

3. 写教案,选择教学法,制作教具;

4. 上课,制造生动活泼,有趣,轻松,和谐,互动,沟通,以学生活动为主;

5. 课堂上调动学生的学习情绪,课后做好知识的巩固和辅导工作,因材施教。

XX/4 — XX/12:xx有限公司[8个月]

所属行业: 教育/培训/院校

国际部 对外汉语教师

1. 教授中国学生英语和日语;

2. 教授外国学生汉语;

3. 并协助校方做好宣传及销售课程的工作。


XX/9— XX/6 华东师范大学 对外汉语本科


XX/12 大学英语四级



个人求职简历的英语范文 篇6



个人求职简历的英语范文 篇7


专业描述: 税务会计,会计基础,行政会计,中级财务会计,高级财务会计,管理会计

所属行业: 生产·制造·加工(金属·建材·塑胶·玻璃·陶瓷…) 公司性质: 私营.民营企业

工作描述: 1:负责公司费用销售成本及利润核算,计算各类应交税金,办理纳税申报工作;2:能独立完成全盘账务处理,进行报表分析工作,熟悉外贸出口退税和外帐的整个流程,办理申报国税地税各项税款及电子口岸整理免抵退税资料递交国正办理退税;3:能够熟练使用用友金蝶财务软件以及office办公软件,能够高效运用Excel;4:协助集团财务总监,经理,参与立洲集图案上市准备财务工作,提供所需资料;5:购买发票,开票,记账,发票认证,报税,抄税等,工商局年检,变更,设立等业务的办理;6:完成领导交代的其他事项工作

所属行业: 汽车·摩托车(制造·维护·配件·销售·服务) 公司性质: 私营.民营企业

工作描述: 1、负责编制记账凭证,及对现金、报销往来票据账目的检查和审核。2审核、核对和管理公司各类发票、单据等.3负责应收账款应付账款和其他账款的.管理。4商品采购结算审核及相关税务处理;采购入库审核及账务处理;商品定价及订单审核。5负责金蝶K3系统供应链模块和财务会计模块,进行及时维护和更新,月末进行结账,生产凭证,分析报表等。

自我评价: 对待工作认真负责,善于沟通、协调有较强的组织能力与团队精神;活泼开朗、乐观上进、有爱心并善于施教并行;上进心强、勤于学习能不断提高自身的能力与综合素质。在未来的工作中,我将以充沛的精力,刻苦钻研的精神来努力工作,稳定地提高自己的工作能力,与企业同步发展。

个人求职简历的英语范文 篇8

应聘职位: 财务/审计/税务:会计人员,财务/审计/税务:财务人员,会计:

月薪要求: 1000--1500 希望工作地区: 广州,,

工作描述: 担任家教中心的咨询员,给有需要的家长一些该中心的信息,锻炼了自己的语言表达能力和与人沟通能力。

2007-09 2007-10 广东财经职业学院 国际会计 上岗证 44000001104808






个人求职简历的英语范文 篇9

Job position: finance/audit/tax: accountant/accounting supervisor, statistician: statistical director, finance/audit/tax:

Guangzhou Eurasia co., LTD. Date: -02-01 ~ present

Company nature: private sector industry: fast consumer goods (food, beverage, cosmetics)

Job description: the factory and sales company salary reviews, accounts payables and settlement auditing, cost accounting, cost audit, general ledger, reports and data analysis of the internal management department needs, personnel management, internal coordination, tax, tax declaration, tax planning. Companies use velocity XP financial software.

Reasons for leaving:

Guangzhou gome electrical appliance co., LTD. Date: -11-01 ~ -12-01

Company nature: private enterprise industry: communication/telecom/network equipment

Job description: responsible for daily financial work (inventory, sales management, store finance personnel management) and coordination with headquarters. (company USES jinli ERP system)

Reason of leaving: after BB is too small to go to work too far

Guangzhou yinying accessories co., LTD. Date: -03-01 ~ 2004-10-01

Company nature: private sector industry: clothing/textile/leather/footwear industry

Position: general ledger accounting

Job description: mainly responsible for the sales cost, profit accounting and the checking and management of internal accounts of the company. (the company USES zhongcheng financial software.)

Reason for leaving: guangzhou sales company merged into dongguan production base

New chemical county supply and marketing association starting and ending: 1995-10-2000-02-01

Company nature: industry of state-owned enterprises: trade/import and export

Job description: from the cashier (responsible for the company's business collection, editing the bank statement, etc.) to the accountant (mainly responsible for sales and expense account, and the company's stores to the company)

Graduate school: wuhan institute of technology

Highest degree: junior college degree: 2005-07-01

To terminate the school (institution) in the beginning of the year to obtain the certificate number

1992-09-01, 1995-07-01 business school commercial accounting in loudi district, hunan province

2000-09-01, 2005-07-01 wuhan institute of technology accounting

2000-01, -05-01 changsha finance bureau accounting junior (assistant accountant) -

求职职位: 财务/审计/税务:会计/会计主管,统计员:统计主管,财务/审计/税务:

工作描述: 工厂及销售公司的工资审核,应收应付款结算审核,成本核算,费用审核,总帐,报表以及内部管理部门需要的数据分析,人员管理,内部协调.计税,报税,税务筹划.公司使用速达XP财务软件。


广州国美电器有限公司 起止年月:2004-11-01 ~ 2005-12-01

工作描述: 主管店面日常财务工作(库存,销售管理,门店财务人员管理)及与总部的协调.(公司使用金力ERP系统)

广州银鹰服装辅料公司 起止年月:2000-03-01 ~ 2004-10-01

工作描述: 主要负责公司销售成本、利润核算以及公司内部往来帐的核对与管理,费用的审核。(公司使用众诚财务软件。)

新化县供销联社 起止年月:1995-10-01 ~ 2000-02-01

工作描述: 从出纳(负责公司营业款汇总,编辑银行对帐单等)到会计(主要负责销售和费用账,以及和公司下属各店铺对帐)

1992-09-01 1995-07-01 湖南省娄底地区商业学校 商业会计 中专 -

2000-09-01 2005-07-01 武汉工业学院 会计 大专 -

2000-10-01 2001-05-01 长沙市财政局 会计 初级(助理会计师) -

个人求职简历的英语范文 篇10



objective: to seek an excellence in profession, growth in career and be associated with an organization offering a responsible position whereby my traditional chinese medical specialty can be utilized.

key competence: traditional chinese and western medicine experience for over 30 years, especially be skilled in treating many difficult diseases by traditional chinese medical science, such as cerebrovascular diseases, rheumatism, gynecological diseases, immune system diseases, and so on; be good at orthopedics & traumatology of chinese medicine, acupuncture and massage; computer skill (microsoft office), passionate, self-confidence, honest, dedicated, hardworking and can be work under pressure.

position desired: doctor

work experinces:

general practitioner

datong zhongyi clinic (which is run by myself)

shan xi province, china

june, xx-present

to treat clinical diseases by traditional chinese (including chinese traditional medicine, orthopedics & traumatology of chinese medicine, acupuncture and massage) and western medicine, including:

l pediatrics diseases

l internal medicine diseases

l cerebrovascular diseases

l rheumatism

l gynecological diseases

l immune system diseases

attending doctor

datong seventh municipal people’s hospital (public hospital by government)

shan xi province, china

september, 1986-september, 1993

as attending doctor in:

l internal medicine department

l pediatrics department

l obstetrics and gynecology department

l emergency department.

resident doctor

datong seventh municipal people’s hospital (public hospital by government)

shan xi province, china

september, 1976-september, 1986

as resident doctor in:

l internal medicine department

l pediatrics department

l obstetrics and gynecology department

l emergency department

rural doctor

dongguan cun, yangmingbao xiang, dai xian

shanxi province, china

main work is to treat common diseases for peasants.

educational attainment:

l 3 years clinical medicine

graduate year 1976

shanxi medical university

key curriculums include organic chemistry, medical physics, cell biology, anatomy, histology and embryology, physiology, biochemistry, immunology, microbiology, pathology, pathophysiology, pharmacology, medical genetics, diagnosis, internal medicine science, surgery science, obstetrics and gynecology science, pediatrics science, neurology and psychiatry, dermatology, radiation science, ophthalmology, otolaryngology, chinese traditional medicine, and so on.

specialty certificate:

l attending doctor for traditional chinese medicine

l attending doctor for chinese-western combined medicine

l attending doctor for pediatrics

personal information:

birthdate : december 1, 1950

age : 57

gender : female

civil status : married

nationality : china

objective: to seek an excellence in profession, growth in career and be associated with an organization offering a responsible position whereby my traditional chinese medical specialty can be utilized.

key competence: traditional chinese and western medicine experience for over 30 years, especially be skilled in treating many difficult diseases by traditional chinese medical science, such as cerebrovascular diseases, rheumatism, gynecological diseases, immune system diseases, and so on; be good at orthopedics & traumatology of chinese medicine, acupuncture and massage; computer skill (microsoft office), passionate, self-confidence, honest, dedicated, hardworking and can be work under pressure.

position desired: doctor

work experinces:

general practitioner

datong zhongyi clinic (which is run by myself)

shan xi province, china

june, xx-present

to treat clinical diseases by traditional chinese (including chinese traditional medicine, orthopedics & traumatology of chinese medicine, acupuncture and massage) and western medicine, including:

l pediatrics diseases

l internal medicine diseases

l cerebrovascular diseases

l rheumatism

l gynecological diseases

l immune system diseases

attending doctor

datong seventh municipal people’s hospital (public hospital by government)

shan xi province, china

september, 1986-september, 1993

as attending doctor in:

l internal medicine department

l pediatrics department

l obstetrics and gynecology department

l emergency department.

resident doctor

datong seventh municipal people’s hospital (public hospital by government)

shan xi province, china

september, 1976-september, 1986

as resident doctor in:

l internal medicine department

l pediatrics department

l obstetrics and gynecology department

l emergency department

rural doctor

dongguan cun, yangmingbao xiang, dai xian

shanxi province, china

main work is to treat common diseases for peasants.

educational attainment:

l 3 years clinical medicine

graduate year 1976

shanxi medical university

key curriculums include organic chemistry, medical physics, cell biology, anatomy, histology and embryology, physiology, biochemistry, immunology, microbiology, pathology, pathophysiology, pharmacology, medical genetics, diagnosis, internal medicine science, surgery science, obstetrics and gynecology science, pediatrics science, neurology and psychiatry, dermatology, radiation science, ophthalmology, otolaryngology, chinese traditional medicine, and so on.

specialty certificate:

l attending doctor for traditional chinese medicine

l attending doctor for chinese-western combined medicine

l attending doctor for pediatrics

personal information:

birthdate : december 1, 1950

age : 57

gender : female

civil status : married

nationality : china

个人求职简历的英语范文 篇11

1. OBJECTIVE(目标)首先须了解目前想应征的职种、工作内容,并具体写出这份工作吸引自己的地方,切记漫无目标,答案越具体,越有夺标的可能。

FESSIONAL QUALITIES(专业技能)针对想应征的职种明确列出自己拥有哪些专业技能,无论是技术、知识或管理方面的能力均可。



5.LANGUAGES & SKILL(语文及其它技能)列出自己拥有的.资格 考试 执照资料,包括英文 考试 如:托福分数等,而有关计算机技能须注明机型、会使用的计算机软件等。


